
Science Daily

Science Daily
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ScienceDaily features breaking news about the latest discoveries in science, health, the environment, technology, and more -- from major news services and leading universities, scientific journals, and research organizations.
Science Daily

To heal skin, scientists invent living bioelectronics

Engineers have created a patch that combines sensors and bacteria to interact with the body. Quelle: ScienceDaily | Psoriasis Titelbild/Grafik: ScienceDaily News
Science Daily

New insights on polymicrobial infections in chronic lung diseases

Chronic lung diseases are often accelerated and exacerbated by polymicrobial infections. An international study has identified two types of these so-called dysbioses in cystic...
Science Daily

First step in allergic reactions, paving the way for new preventative strategies

Scientists have identified how the first domino falls after a person encounters an allergen, such as peanuts, shellfish, pollen or dust mites. Their discovery...
Science Daily

‚Goldilocks‘ binding strength determines anti-cancer T-cell efficacy and fate

Findings showed that how tight a parental T cell binds to a cancer-related protein determines whether its offspring will become functional anti-cancer effector cells...
Science Daily

Seeking medical insights in the physics of mucus

Understanding how mucus changes, and what it changes in response to, can help diagnose illnesses and develop treatments. Researchers develop a system to grow...
Science Daily

Potential drivers of chronic allergic inflammation

A research team embarked on a quest to understand the diversity and cellular mechanisms of human Th2 cells. By conducting gene expression analyses of...
Science Daily

Experimental type 1 diabetes drug shelters pancreas cells from immune system attack

Scientists say that an experimental monoclonal antibody drug called mAb43 appears to prevent and reverse the onset of clinical type 1 diabetes in mice,...
Science Daily

Gene discovery offers new hope for people living with chronic skin disease

Scientists have discovered a gene mutation is responsible for causing psoriasis -- a chronic inflammatory skin disease that causes patients to develop red, scaly...
Science Daily

Coal train pollution increases health risks and disparities

The first health impact study of coal train pollution centers on the San Francisco Bay Area, with scientists finding communities near passing coal trains...
Science Daily

Signs of multiple sclerosis show up in blood years before symptoms

In a discovery that could hasten treatment for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), scientists have discovered a harbinger in the blood of some people...